The Last Goodbye

The Last Goodbye

These last few days had been tough but graceful. We made it through like we always do.
We made it through together with our palms in a lock, just like always.
Each day with you on our journey together has been special, from tackling the lockdown blues to going on grocery dates,
we had each other at every moment. The moments of indulgence in coffee and chai were the moments of bliss, cos we had each other.
The time we cherished together was more than special. In all this, I knew that home is where the heart is, and that’s where you need to be, with family, you deserve the love of family more than anything in this world.
The windows of opportunity finally unlocked. It was the happiest I’d seen you. It was time to go home.
But when the window opened another one was closing, it was time. It was time for a pause, a pause for the end.
We had to let go. Letting go is hard, but it was for the best. Our last day together was different, to call it special would be too little, the moments we spent hunting words of the past and eating fries, are the moments to cherish.
In all this, your smile was all that I could see, a smile so special, more than anything else.
Letting go is hard, especially when it’s the last goodbye.

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